Youth Ambassadors aren’t going home yet


After the European elections and after the Brussels summit, our tasks aren’t finished. Although it was difficult to have a big impact in Italy during the summer, some of us Youth Ambassadors did great things organizing events and bringing hundreds of followers on board. Towards the end of August we were all on the move and changing counties, jobs, universities and that made it a little difficult to keep up all the good work but, once again ONE came to the rescue and knowing we are all youngsters trying to develop our own professional selves, gave us the MEP TRACKER, which you should all try out. It’s a nifty tool with which, in seconds, you can mange to contact MEPs from all the countries participating in the ONEVOTE2014 campaign. You can use the teacher to tweet, email or send Facebook messages and, believe me, a few minutes of your time can go a long way. Our progress has been enormous and it feels like we are actually getting somewhere in the attempt to “make a change”. Unfortunately our time as Youth Ambassadors will soon be up, nonetheless we will still be supporting ONE and all the wonderful things they do for those who really are in need. It has been a wonderful experience so far but this is a different blog post.


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