New Youth Ambassadors, good old spirit

I enjoyed the Youth Ambassador program so much last year that I decided to apply for the following one and I was selected.
The challenge will be to find enough time to make my presence worth it and to not stick to any kind of pattern but go with the flow and, er, with the different program this year has brought to us.
Unfortunately the flu didn’t allow me to be at the campaign launch in Rome on January 20 th but I did wish my fellow YAs a great day.
Our first action was to support GAVI by asking the Italian government to issue more funds to vaccinate children around the world in the next few years. This will help to avoid preventable diseases and eliminate one of the factors behind extreme poverty.

The ONE Youth Ambassadors are back, more numerous than ever ( we are 30 this year) and more energetic than I would have thought.
During the next months we’ll be pursuing what I would define a more “grassroots” operation by acting on a local level, not only with institutions but also and majorly with people.
We want to bring ONE to our community and tell everyone how they can get involved and support us, because ending extreme poverty doesn’t last a year, and to accomplish our mission we need more voices.
Look for the ONE Youth Ambassadors on Facebook and search for us in your local news.
With a campaign that is bigger than all the previous versions, you might find us in your country and, once again, remember to subscribe to to find out about what you can do.

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