Coming close


Voting day today in Italy.

Needless to say, I had a pretty clear idea of who I wanted to vote after meeting so many candidates. I realise also that other people across the country, who havent been so lucky, might not even go to vote because they have no idea of whom to choose.

I may be one of the last believers of the fact that the right to vote ( implicitly including the one not to vote) is a power given to us, citizens. It may not be a grand power but we still have the opportunity to use it.

There would be so much to say about Europe and it’s development during the years. Since I try not to be boring in this blog and to keep all issues and events in a light-hearted spirit, I will just say I agree that there have been many malfunctioning in the Europe system but at the same time I don’t think thee is any option for us to exit this system so, as they did in the old days, I believe we must use our power and stick together to make a better europe, closer to the one we imagine.

You can call me anĀ idealist, and in a certain measure you are right, I do see the world through my pink glasses but on the other side I am a concrete person and like to think and act in practical ways.